Michael Thangadurai …

{November 23, 2009}   TOO HOT… stop plaguing me…


I’m a 25 year old lawyer who is actually expending time and energy to create these blog posts on Michael Thangadurai… but I can’t seem to desist or resist (for that matter).

FYI, go see my virgin blog post (I mean, my first blog post in September) to comprehend why I commenced this website… Sometimes, I baffle myself…

Anyway, moving on, I found these photos of him on facebook and interesting things came to mind… lol (in righteous fashion, I declare that I own absolutely and most definitively NO INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS to these photos… they solely belong to whomever they belong to…)

Yes, Michael in a bar with a subtle but almost empty glass of red wine? I think this was taken when he used to tour in Europe because he sported long hair then… Separately, I need to GRUMBLE ABOUT SOMETHING… I almost shot myself when I saw this photo and then I looked up at the heavens (of course, in my case, it was the ceiling in my room) and I asked the ALMIGHTY LORD if he was taunting me BECAUSE MICHAEL IN THIS PICTURE LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE MY FRIEND WHO HAD REBONDED HAIR ONCE (even the earrings) My friend still looks like Michael actually… goodness me… If people weren’t privy to the fact that this was Michael, they would think it was my friend…

MICHAEL OR MY FRIEND?!?! Now, I'm just plain confused... DAMN lol

Okay 3 more to go and he’s equally hot in all 3.

Sometimes I pretend to be Michael when I walk around in my hoodie... Dysfunctional dissociation right? (Yes, I know)

I am a girl… a VERY HETEROSEXUAL girl… but yes I do channel Michael’s spirit sometimes… I don’t know. Things I do remind me of things he does…

I think he's at home for this shot and that's his cupboard... Let there be some hot girl behind the camera taking those stills... It'd be too sad otherwise.

As a side note, did you people realise? The poor guy is constantly plagued with eye bags… The only time I remember quite distinctly where his eyes weren’t bagging was when he was bagging compliments from Mumtaj after doing the trio dance with Shiva, Rinson and Abi. (Personally, I think Mumtaj felt bad for showering gushing praises on Satish earlier in that day’s shoot after Satish did his celebrity dance with Priya. Perhaps, Mumtaj felt that she had never given Michael the compliments that were long overdue…) When she praised him his response was so affable and cute and AH HA i finally noticed (NO EYE BAGS – yay!! the dude has tiny eyes – but men shouldn’t have HUGE EYES with SWIMMING LASHES – LEAVE THOSE TO THE LADIES).

Deepavali Celebration in Singapore

 I had to crack my head for the longest time before I could place the location of this photo by Michael and Shiva. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks, like a poor man’s lottery, like a thirsty man’s distilled water? THIS IS THEM IN SINGAPORE… They’re sporting the exact outfits and looks they did on the night they came down to Singapore for the Deepavali Celebration “Bonanza”… They also look severely dehydrated and tired… (yup, they’re most certainly stuck in mind-numbingly humid Singapore) Michael was literally, slowly but surely, dripping down the front of his shirt during his performance (AHEM, yum).
Then another thought hit me!!! Surely, this was not a meal they were treated to in their only night in Singapore!!! A NONDESCRIPT KOPI SHOP ALONG SERANGOON… I could spit on myself… RIDICULOUS… OF all the delicious assortment of places they could have been treated to, they get brought to a KOPI KADAI? Goodness me… Poor fellows… I’m hoping that the alternative case scenario ensued – they were walking along Serangoon after their performance and the guys in the photos recognised them and called them to join in for a photo. (PLEASE let the latter be the case).

AHHH THIS PHOTO – this is the one after Guna and Michael won this challenge (dancing with one prop) – the one I blogged about below where Michael excitedly hugs Guna almost in a child-like manner.
I wonder if Michael smokes… He gets breathless more easily these days as compared to Jodi and when he gets breathless he always gently refuses the mike when he is offered the mike after the performance. Being around groups of guy pals would make one dance more, drink more and smoke more… Just wondering… hehe No complains though…

He wsa sporting this look in June – remember how i mentioned in my blog below that he loves to work on his image… haha this was the gruff image – this was for a non-competitve round where he played Kaaka Kaaka Surya with Guna and Kamalesh… he also *ahem* tried grinding Mumtaj when he was sporting this image (he was wearing tanks and berms for that one though) I remember when Rinson was the little thief and Michael and Guna and Kamalesh had to repeat this line and Michael missed his cue – then Guna patted him on his shoulder to turn and they both were trying so hard not to laugh… – was funny – SEE I NOTICE EVERYTHING…

See the girl behind giving him fleeting looks... I don't quite blame her.

vest - i like...

He looks so tired in this picture hence, probably not a professional photographer behind the camera otherwise they would have redid his make-up etc. Prob a friend or a girlfriend, perhaps? Sigh, the way he moves those hips, lucky girlfriend… lol

Beautiful man, GHASTLY LOOKING COUCH – seriously, blue and yellow daisies???

I’m going to give myself cardiac arrest if the obsession doesn’t come to a standstill for tonight… I shall continue at a later date…

As a passing note, Shiva constantly gripes about how Michael gets all the ladies… Shiva, you’re hot too  alright? You just don’t know it yet. Michael does though. Main difference, easy do-over…

Wait wait, 2 more k?

Don’t you wanna run your fingernails on that back? I mean… *ahem* How can a thick gold chain like that look so hot on a neck? THANGAdurai indeed. lol

I love that chain so much that I constantly look out for it when he performs. He never had it during Jodi. I think he bought it with the money from the Jodi win.

WATTAP?! – Alright, you can’t chide me for my neanderthal wanderings as to what lies BENEATH — I mean, do you see the way his pair of jeans flow/fold/move?

OKAY CONTROL EXERCISED – mission aborted at 12 to 12 midnight…

{November 22, 2009}   Suddenly… Michael Thangadurai

I realise that there has been a pregnant pause in my blog posts…

The comment from the teen amused me and Michael’s performance on Nov 21 derailed me. Hence, I must blog again. Hence, suddenly, here goes…

There was two bits in his duet with Sandra that made me go bonkers (As a passing note, Sandra looked so beautiful last night) Okay, moving on, the first bit was when she was leaning on him and they were both facing the audience and he cocked his head (and was toggling his head to the right and left) and had his lips pursed (he looked so adorable). The second bit was was when they were nearing the end and there was one last twirl to go and his confidence was already  “supernova”  (he knew he was looking dashing and I assume the cheering and wolf-whistling was ear shattering – although we can’t hear anything because they edit out the background noises during a perofmance) so he twirled her with that sexy attitude… DAMN MICHAEL… You really know to unnerve us girls…

There is definitely a marked change in his looks from when he was participating in Jodi No. 1 – Maybe he couldn’t effect certain hair styles or shape his beard/moustache in certain ways when dancing in Jodi No. 1 because he was simultaneously involved in the KKK serials (so a certain persona and look had to be maintained). Since then, I notice that he changes his looks in simple (BUT HIGHLY EFFECTIVE) ways for every show to complement his dance performances in Boys v Girls.
For e.g. Nov 21st – They were doing the court dance (the kind of dancing you would do in English courts) so no beard (he shaved his beard off – shaped the sideburns and moustaches to make them thicker and more defined) – tied a mini ponytail to look oh so very english…
Raam is just as cute (even slightly more broader built), but Raam doesn’t have the same allure that Michael seems to possess. He seems to have just the right shade of skin colour. The apt smiles, the apt responses when he gets tickled by Shiva’s jokes.
His sense of style and grasp of the dance floor and his body’s adaptation to the music is beautiful. Its like poetry. (Did you see his expression when Shyam offered him a similar compliment on Nov 21st? He was genuinely touched. Usually, he offers up his regular ‘run-of-the-mill’ “thank you sir/mam” but this time there was a catch in his voice before he thanked Shyam.
His dancing is beautiful. I am not just a regular fan who is going to sing accolades about his looks or his body etc etc. He inspires me to dance more. He is a beautiful dancer who is so very sensous in the way he moves. Yet, he is able to retain the masculinity that makes the girls legs weak.
I notice everything about him and the show – that’s my manufacturing defect – too highly observant – a usefull skill in my profession and a skill that adds interest to my life (even mundane things like:
how he changed out of his black pumps (for the Duet) into sports shoes (after the Duet was over) – maybe his feet were aching
how he offers affection to kids (he loves stroking their chins – for e.g. once he and Shiva went to Rinson’s school to visit him and before he left Rinson he showed his endearment to Rinson / after he lost the very first challenge to Abi baby in Boys v Girls he showed his endearment in the same way to Abi – its what my grandma always does to people she loves – it what RAJINI loves doing too – IT WHAT I DO when i wanna show affection to kids too…)
how he is so childlike in the way he gets amused by Shiva (the show on May 29 when Shiva was involved in the impropmtu dancing and had to dance with Archana and Aiswarya – Shiva failed in exhibiting any kind of chemistry with Archana and Michael was so tickled when Aiswarya chose Shiva again – he kept on leaping to his feet and laughing – Guna was so amused as well (i adore Guna – but that’s for another blog) anyway or when Shiva keeps on teasing Michael about his charm with women and Michael gets so tickled)
how he always make it a point not to have too much eye contact with his fellow lady dancers (it’s like he doesn’t want to add to the already burgeoning rumours and so he is extremely prudent about making conversation or eye contact with other lady dancers – I believe the only ladies he really talks to is Priya and Divyadarshini. I think  its because he genuinely gets along with DD from Jodi No. 1 days – I have this strong feeling some of the other girls like Season 2 (Aiswarya) and Sandra really get on this nerves.
how he kept on chewing gum (During the agragaram special) to stay in character (because they love chewing betel leaves in brahmin households)
how he seems more troubled and is trying to figure out how to improve his dancing and where he went wrong whenever he loses a challenge 
how he still maintains an appropriate distance from girls and hasn’t really done any grinding (LOL – i remember in one show he was telling Srikanth that he had to practice waves 50 times before he got it right)
how he has so much respect for Guna – I still remember how he excitedly hugged Guna when they won the challenge where they had to dance with one prop (the chair).
Alright singing Michael’s praises are making me light-headed and I have to be at my desk at 8.30am tomorrow – sighz
I shall continue at a later date.
Michael Thangadurai, do you surf the net (apart from facebooking etc)? IF you do, please chance upon my blog… I would love to elicit a reaction from you.

{September 18, 2009}   At the root of its inception…

Greetings all…

Like an artist, at the helm of greatness, who is toying with a blank canvas, I have always entertained the idea of beginning a blog. Rather late a jump onto the bandwagon of blogging but I know myself better than the next person and beginning to write at any other time than the present would have yielded ghastly results.

I have Michael to thank for the abovementioned. Not, Michael Jackson. But Michael, the one and only Michael who rose to fame after 3 of Vijay TV’s shows in the following chronological order: Kana Kaanum Kalangal, Jodi No. 1 and Boys vs. Girls.

I desperately wanted to blog about him because he is enrapturing and particularly because, I think he could use more publicity.

On a particularly dreary weekday with my heart full of positivity, I begin…

This must become THE website for Michael to solidify his reign as the KING of many hearts.

I shall return with substantive input later tonight or tomorrow.



et cetera